
The top 3 myths about going global

It’s important to separate facts from myth; for global business in general, and international markets expansion in particular. Here are the top three myths about going global that people seem to believe.


Exporters and Rules of Origin: Get in on NAFTA’s benefits and avoid heavy penalties

The “Rules of Origin” under NAFTA are the criteria used to determine the country of origin of a product that is being imported or exported within the NAFTA region.
As part of NAFTA, the United States, Canada and Mexico (the “Parties”) have all agreed to reduce and/or eliminate tariffs on goods that originate from their respective territories. However, the Parties continue to apply significantly higher tariffs to goods that do not originate in one of the NAFTA countries.


Melissa Coombs, CITP|FIBP – Economic Development Officer (Business Analyst)

Throughout her career, Melissa has consistently combined her business expertise with a desire to help others in a number of different ways. She has been involved in initiatives that vary from volunteering with several youth programs to creating provincial strategies for Newfoundland’s manufacturers to export internationally as an Economic Development Officer.


Diana de la Huerta Gaston, CITP|FIBP – Trade Commissioner Assistant

Since becoming a Trade Commissioner Assistant, Diana has relentlessly pursued opportunities to train and educate herself, and views her new designation as proof that she has all of the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to stand out as a leading professional in her field.


3 things you must consider before you import from abroad

Many countries have entered into trade pacts or agreements and, through negotiation, have established rules and regulations to govern orderly trade. These trade agreements, along with the relative reduction in trade barriers that ensue, make it simpler to import from abroad.


Six steps to finding out if you’re ready for international trade

But even if you have a product or service that seems to have international appeal, your company may not actually be ready for international trade. Doing business overseas is much more complicated than staying at home, and any successful exporter will tell you that they looked very carefully at their company before they decided to go abroad.


9 reasons why you should spend more time doing international trade research

Whether or not to become involved in or expand in international trade is a crucial business decision. In today’s highly competitive and global business environment, companies are finding that they must incorporate some form of international trade in order to maintain their level of competitiveness.