
Is international trade an activity or a profession?

Just how long will it take for international trade to be seen by business as not only an activity of exchanging products and services across borders, but a true occupation and profession that takes a specialized set of knowledge, skills and abilities to perform?


FITT-ALDO intern is wowing her new colleagues with enthusiasm, experience and know-how

“In every class there are always a couple of students who bring energy, imagination and an entrepreneurial spirit to the group. When an amazing opportunity such as an internship appears, they are quick to recognize the challenge and rise to it.” Ennio Vita-Finzi, Professor of the International Commerce Import/Export program at LaSalle College in Montreal, is talking about this year’s FITT-ALDO intern, Caroline Zhang.


3 ways you can overcome the challenges of international trade training across diverse cultures

In March, FITT hosted an intensive training course for locally engaged Trade Commissioners (DFATD) from all around the world.
In the two separate training groups there were over 30 nationalities present, creating a unique challenge to instructors Ennio Vita-Finzi, CITP®|FIBP® and Ray Joyce, CITP®|FIBP®. How does one maintain consistency in training while getting the message across to such a diverse group of people?