
FITT-ALDO intern is wowing her new colleagues with enthusiasm, experience and know-how

“In every class there are always a couple of students who bring energy, imagination and an entrepreneurial spirit to the group. When an amazing opportunity such as an internship appears, they are quick to recognize the challenge and rise to it.” Ennio Vita-Finzi, Professor of the International Commerce Import/Export program at LaSalle College in Montreal, is talking about this year’s FITT-ALDO intern, Caroline Zhang.


13 ways Canadian SME’s can improve on their dismal export rates

For all the talk about Canada being a trading nation, we aren’t when it comes to small and medium sized enterprises. While SME’s account for roughly 95 percent of all companies in Canada, and create 65 percent of all jobs, Canadian SME export rates are at less than 2 percent.


Report predicts major boom in U.S. trade from growing Asian economies

The United States stands to benefit in trade from the growth of Asian economies such as Vietnam and Korea, British bank HSBC said in a report in late May. U.S. trade is expected to benefit strongly from an uptick in growth in China, Vietnam, India, and other countries in Asia.


Exporters and Rules of Origin: Get in on NAFTA’s benefits and avoid heavy penalties

The “Rules of Origin” under NAFTA are the criteria used to determine the country of origin of a product that is being imported or exported within the NAFTA region.
As part of NAFTA, the United States, Canada and Mexico (the “Parties”) have all agreed to reduce and/or eliminate tariffs on goods that originate from their respective territories. However, the Parties continue to apply significantly higher tariffs to goods that do not originate in one of the NAFTA countries.


How you can use temporary importation tactics to succeed in export sales

There are plenty of reasons why businesses branch out from local to international sales. Expanding your business by taking it to a new market offers a wealth of advantages and opportunities. You can grow sales, balance out seasonal instability, extend the life cycle of your products, and tap into a completely new market. However, making those first inroads in a new market is a significant challenge. So, how do you build trust in your company and your product in a new region?