
How to use new media technologies to identify trade opportunities in Asia

New media technologies have transformed the way we communicate, network, and share information. They can also play a key role in the identification and validation of trade and investment opportunities. Furthermore, these technologies can enable you to keep abreast of on-the-ground developments in your market of interest.


Zeeshanali Fazal, CITP│FIBP — Underwriter and Advisor of Financial Guarantees

Zeeshanali Fazal is an Underwriter and Advisor of Financial Guarantees at Export Development Canada (EDC) in Montreal, Quebec. He was born in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where he spent his childhood. Zeeshanali moved to Pakistan in the early 1990s, and by the late 1990s he moved to Canada where he completed his high school, CEGEP and university education in finance.


The basics of global trade transactions for your imports and exports

A company that has decided to export its products to a new market or to buy from a new supplier in a different country cannot take for granted that the potential transaction(s) will be viable, profitable or provide goods at a price and quality that are competitive. From a financial point of view, a transaction may prove unrealistic if the cost of entering a market is too high, the competition is gruelling, or the price the company needs to charge in the new market is not competitive.


The story of how it all began for us, the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT)

Like many before him—and some after as well—Dieter Hollweck learned how to do international trade from the ground up; through the school of hard knocks.

“Learning that way is very expensive, and can sometimes be deadly for your business,” says Dieter, the Forum for International Trade Training’s (FITT) founding father. “But everybody had an international trade horror story back then!”