

5 ways due diligence can prevent fraud in your international contracts

All parties in all commercial transactions should be aware of the potential for fraud. In some cases those parties you negotiate with may not even be aware of the liability they pose. Being vigilant by doing your due diligence is the only real way to prevent fraud in your international contracts.


Opportunities with the U.S. government are only a click away for Canadian exporters

In attempting to sell a product or service, it is always necessary to determine who needs it, and what problem it will solve for the buyer. In the domain of U.S. government procurement, there is an easy way to determine what they want to buy. A single U.S. government-wide resource exists for information on opportunities with the U.S. government and contract awards over U.S. $25,000.


Joel Fernandez, CITP|FIBP – Executive Director

Joel Fernandez is the Executive Director of the Global Chamber in Miami, Florida, and the Vice Chairperson of the Environmental Impact Committee in his town, and an international trade entrepreneur with his own company, Intradeservice LLC.