
One time “Fringe” NGO’s have become a vital part of the global business environment

Historically in an adversarial relationship with other major players in the global business environment, the NGOs, which form part of what is collectively referred to as “civil society”, have garnered significant political currency as the issues they champion become higher profile and priority across the globe. NGOs have gone from “fringe” to mainstream in the international trade and global business environment.


3 things you must consider before you import from abroad

Many countries have entered into trade pacts or agreements and, through negotiation, have established rules and regulations to govern orderly trade. These trade agreements, along with the relative reduction in trade barriers that ensue, make it simpler to import from abroad.


The global village is waiting for your products. How ready are you?

Human beings are social by nature. This explains the billions of dollars we spend every year on tourism. We travel the world to enjoy new scenery, to meet new people, to try new foods, and for the newness of the experience. When we have goods and services ‘tour’ across international borders, we call it international trade.