Cameron Branston, CITP|FIBP – Commercial Officer
Cameron Branston has spent over 15 years working on both sides of the Atlantic to build stronger economic ties between Canada and the UK.
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Cameron Branston has spent over 15 years working on both sides of the Atlantic to build stronger economic ties between Canada and the UK.
As a post-Brexit UK faces serious hurdles to reaching a trade deal with the EU, rumours abound over the possibility of a UK-NAFTA trade bloc. But is this a likely scenario or a real long-shot?
Nadine Storey, CITP|FIBP has been a Trade Commissioner in the Investment and Fintech sectors at Canada’s High Commission to the UK since 2013.
Supporters of the so-called “Brexit” say that continental Europe’s economic upheavals are holding back the British economy, while opponents contend that abandoning the EU could discourage investment in the UK market and lead to a recession.