
Trade is terrible – why do we do it?

Anti-trade activities and anti-globalization advocates focus on the very real negative outcomes of trade, but there are some equally real positives of globalization.


Reflections After the 2015 B20 Summit: “Do Your Best for the Rest of Us”

It has been a unique privilege to be nominated as a delegate for Canada to the B20 Task Force on Financing Growth, and thereafter, to receive an invitation from the organizers to attend the final summit meeting, including a joint session with Heads of State for an even smaller group of participants.


One time “Fringe” NGO’s have become a vital part of the global business environment

Historically in an adversarial relationship with other major players in the global business environment, the NGOs, which form part of what is collectively referred to as “civil society”, have garnered significant political currency as the issues they champion become higher profile and priority across the globe. NGOs have gone from “fringe” to mainstream in the international trade and global business environment.