

Lessons for compliance practitioners in the tech sector – Garcia FCPA enforcement action

Last month, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) jointly announced an enforcement action for violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) against a former executive of the SAP International Inc. for bribery and corruption to procure government contracts in Panama. Even at this point, with no DOJ or SEC action against SAP, there are several lessons for compliance practitioners.


Emily King, CITP|FIBP – Trade Commissioner

Emily King, CITP|FIBP, has had quite the eventful career. After spending several years working with DFAIT (now DFATD) across the Middle East and taking responsibility for several of Canada’s dealings with the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), she’s now working as a Trade Commissioner in Halifax, assisting aerospace and defence companies across Atlantic Canada.


3 important assumptions to avoid in emerging markets

Getting it wrong can be extremely expensive, in terms of fines, sanctions and reputation. It can also have long term consequences for opportunities, not just in that country, but in the economic region in general. It’s therefore crucial to do your proper research and navigate these 3 assumptions to avoid in emerging markets.