Top 5 global cities you should be doing business in
Here are our choices for the top global cities for international business on each continent, including some strong runners-up, and up-and-comers.
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Here are our choices for the top global cities for international business on each continent, including some strong runners-up, and up-and-comers.
After 13 years in the UK, coming back to live and work in my native Uruguay has meant re-adjusting to business culture here. I own my own international trade business (Sunny Sky Solutions) but I also work with many UK businesses across the whole of Latin America. And this means meetings. Lots of meetings. Now, remember that Latin America is vast – it comprises 600 million people across two hemispheres, two main languages and 19 countries. So there’s a lot of variety. However, from my own experience but also from talking to many businesspeople within Latin America and with those from outside that have done business in the continent, here are my 5 truths of business meetings in Latin America…