How To Improve Risk Management Skills


Risk management is an essential skill for business leaders, especially in this ever-changing world. Things rarely go to plan, even after months of intense strategizing. There will always be curve balls, but the best managers will know how to work through these with effective risk management strategies and come out of every scenario successfully. 

Many people have innate risk management skills, but to truly ace them, you need to constantly educate and train yourself, consistently improving as you gain more professional experience in your industry and field.

Skills to Become an Excellent Risk Manager

Exceptional risk managers know that their risk-managing characteristics are strengthened by other solid individual technical and soft skills. Here’s a list of the competencies you must work on to become better at managing risks:

Data Analysis

Risk managers need analytic skills to collect and evaluate data, drive informed insights, and use those learnings to make founded decisions. You must have the ability to spot gaps and weaknesses that others may have overlooked and find solutions to make sure these are taken care of no matter the situation.


A large part of risk management is problem-solving. People often look to their leaders for help when risk is at play, and you should be ready to provide answers and get your hands dirty to avert any problems and fix any mistakes.

People Management

An excellent risk manager knows that to mitigate risks, they must motivate their people to harmoniously work towards a common goal while maintaining respect as a leader. You must also have the ability to build relationships outside of your teams and departments.

Business Thinking

Risk managers must have a good understanding of their business to foresee any possible holes in their methods and strategies. You must know the answers to questions like, “What should a risk management plan include?” and “How often should a risk management plan be reviewed?” 

Along with this, you need to have adequate knowledge of finances and regulations; you must know how to calculate risks and their consequences and stay updated with the latest systematic changes that could affect your work and industry.


Good risk managers are always quick on their feet to adapt to any trends and pivots that could affect their organization. You must know how to be flexible and be ready to adjust strategies to keep your firm on top.

Tips for Improving Risk Management Skills

Every excellent risk manager knows that their skills need constant honing, which takes consistent practice and active improvement. Here are some tips to help you better your risk management skills:

Develop Training Strategies

Like other technical skills, risk management skills need to be trained. You should always seek out and engage in activities that could hone your skills while developing programs that could give the same opportunity to other people on your team.

Learn About Risks

Risks are relentless; they’re inevitable in any situation. To stay alert, you should stay informed about possible problems that could arise from any angle of your plans. Always anticipate new risks and come up with contingencies to address them.

Focus on Data, Analytics, and Insights

Data doesn’t lie, and you can derive a significant amount of helpful insights from reading your analytics. Through this information, you can make more informed decisions that can produce predictable results. Plus, you can learn from your mistakes after seeing what doesn’t work and making the necessary adjustments.

Gather Industry Knowledge

Industry knowledge is a vital component in risk management. You have to keep up with the trends in your industry, especially those related to regulations so that you can remain compliant with the law, particularly in terms of privacy and safety.

Cascade Risk Management to All Levels

Being a good risk manager means being able to cascade your training and competencies to your teams and departments. That way, your organization is fully prepared for risk from the top down.

Learn How to Improve Your Risk Management Skills

The first step to improving your risk management skills is to learn about successful risk management strategies. Get started with TradeReady’s simple yet comprehensive guide!

About the author

Author: FITT Team

The Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) is the standards, certification and training body dedicated to providing international business training, resources and professional certification to individuals and businesses. Created by business for business, FITT’s international business training solutions are the standard of excellence for global trade professionals around the world.

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